Collection: Petrospot

Explore a comprehensive selection of expertly curated publications in the Petrospot collection. Dive into the world of bunkers, marine surveying, fuel analysis, lubricants, and more with our range of informative guides. From commercial bunkering practices to technical insights into marine engines, each publication offers valuable knowledge and practical advice for industry professionals and enthusiasts alike. Stay ahead of the curve with up-to-date information on LNG bunkering, rig maintenance, and claims management. Enhance your expertise and expand your understanding of the maritime industry with these essential resources. Shop the Petrospot collection now and elevate your knowledge to new heights!
20 products
Bunkers: Report Writing for Marine Surveyors, 1st Edition 2011
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Bunkers: An Introduction to Bunkering, 2nd Edition 2012
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Bunkers: Running A Marine Survey Company, 1st Edition 2015
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Bunkers: An Introduction to Marine Fuel Analysis, 1st Revised Edition 2018
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Bunkers: An Introduction to Marine Lubricants, 1st Edition 2017
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Rig Basics - How to Look After Your Mast, Rigging and Sails, 1st Edition 2012
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Bunkers: Commercial Practice in Bunkering, 1st Edition 2011
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Bunkers: Bunker Fuel for Marine Engines - A Technical Introduction, 1st Edition June 2012
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Bunkers: An Introduction to LNG Bunkering, 1st Edition 2013
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Bunkers: An Introduction to Marine Bunker Claims Management, 1st Edition 2019
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Bunkers: Essays in Admiralty - Key Issues in Shipping from a Global Perspective, 3rd Edition 2018
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Bunkers: An Introduction to Managing Commercial Risk, 1st Edition 2016
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