Short Overview
General Rules for Tankers, Owned or Operating in the USA, 2025 Edition, is edited and compiled from over 15,000 pages of regulations directly related to shipping, contained in the United States Code of Federal Regulations (CFR). These are the codification of the general and permanent rules of the U.S. Federal Government, which in their entirety number over 200,000 pages of information.
Detailed Overview
The new edition, comprised of the latest available US Federal regulations at the time of compilation, has been expanded and revised to incorporate recent regulatory updates, including:
- Oil Cargoes
- Gas Cargoes and Liquefied Flammable Gases
- Noxious Liquid Substances
- Control of Pollution and Hazardous Substances, including Financial Liabilities
- Chemicals, Marine Pollutants, Dangerous Goods and Hazards
- Ballast Water Management Requirements
- Marine Casualties and Inspections
- Maritime Security Requirements
- Recordkeeping Requirements
- Rules for the Safe Operation of Tankers including Navigation Rules
- Life-Saving Appliances and Fire-Fighting Equipment
- Workplace Safety and Health
- Mandatory Greenhouse Gas Reporting Requirements
- Vessel Inspection Alternatives
- Tanker Design, Construction and Ship Stability
- Port and Terminal Operations.
Contents Listing
PART 26 - Vessel Bridge-to-Bridge Radiotelephone Regulations 3
PART 27 - Adjustment of Civil Monetary Penalties for Inflation 7
PART 62 - United States Aids to Navigation System 11
PART 64 - Marking of Structures, Sunken Vessels and Other Obstructions 21
PART 66 - Private Aids to Navigation 25
PART 67 - Aids to Navigation on Artificial Islands and Fixed Structures 35
PART 72 - Marine Information 51
PART 80 - COLREGS Demarcation Lines 55
PART 81 - 72 COLREGS: Implementing Rules 73
PART 82 - 72 COLREGS: Interpretative Rules 77
PART 83 - Navigation Rules 79
PART 84 - Annex I: Positioning and Technical Details of Lights and Shapes 97
PART 86 - Annex III: Technical Details of Sound Signal Appliances 103
PART 87 - Annex IV: Distress Signals 107
PART 88 - Annex V: Pilot Rules 109
PART 89 - Inland Navigation Rules: Implementing Rules 111
PART 90 - Inland Rules: Interpretative Rules 115
PART 95 - Operating a Vessel While Under the Influence of Alcohol or a Dangerous Drug 117
PART 96 - Rules for the Safe Operation of Vessels and Safety Management Systems 121
PART 97 - Rules for the Safe Operation of Vessels, Stowage and Securing of Cargoes 135
PART 101 - Maritime Security: General 141
PART 104 - Maritime Security: Vessels 159
PART 125 - Identification Credentials for Persons Requiring Access to Waterfront Facilities or Vessels 185
PART 126 - Handling of Dangerous Cargo at Waterfront Facilities 195
PART 127 - Waterfront Facilities Handling Liquefied Natural Gas and Liquefied Hazardous Gas 205
PART 138 - Evidence of Financial Responsibility for Water Pollution (Vessels) and OPA 90 Limits of Liability (Vessels, Deepwater Ports and Onshore Facilities) 233
PART 140 - Outer Continental Shelf Activities: General 253
PART 141 - Personnel 261
PART 142 - Workplace Safety and Health 267
PART 143 - Design and Equipment 271
PART 144 - Lifesaving Appliances 277
PART 145 - Fire-fighting Equipment 281
PART 146 - Operations 285
PART 147 - Safety Zones 299
PART 150 - Deepwater Ports: Operations 315
PART 151 - Pollution: Vessels Carrying Oil, Noxious Liquid Substances, Garbage, Municipal or Commercial Waste, and Ballast Water 347
SECTION 151.1510: Ballast Water Management Requirements 390
PART 153 - Control of Pollution by Oil and Hazardous Substances, Discharge Removal 405
PART 154 - Facilities Transferring Oil or Hazardous Material in Bulk 411
PART 155 - Oil or Hazardous Material Pollution Prevention Regulations for Vessels 513
PART 156 - Oil and Hazardous Material Transfer Operations 613
PART 157 - Rules for the Protection of the Marine Environment Relating to Tank Vessels Carrying Oil in Bulk 629
PART 158 - Reception Facilities for Oil, Noxious Liquid Substances, and Garbage 695
PART 159 - Marine Sanitation Devices 707
PART 161 - Ports and Waterways Safety: Vessel Traffic Management 727
PART 164 - Navigation Safety Regulations 749
PART 168 - Escort Requirements for Certain Tankers 775
PART 169 - Ship Reporting Systems 779
PART 63 - SUBPART Y: National Emission Standards for Marine Tank Vessel Loading Operations 789
PART 98 - SUBPART W: Petroleum and Natural Gas Systems 823
PART 2 - SUBPART 2.01: Inspecting and Certificating of Vessels 923
PART 2 - SUBPART 2.10: Fees 939
PART 2 - SUBPART 2.20: Reports and Forms 947
PART 2 - SUBPART 2.75: Approvals of Safety Equipment, Materials and Installations, and Qualifications for Construction Personnel 949
PART 4 - Marine Casualties and Investigations 953
SUBPART 4.06: Mandatory Chemical Testing Following Serious Marine Incidents Involving Vessels in Commercial Service 960
PART 8 - Vessel Inspection Alternatives 971
PART 13 - Certification Of Tankermen 985
PART 16 - Chemical Testing 1007
PART 30 - General Provisions 1017
PART 31 - Inspection and Certification 1041
PART 32 - Special Equipment, Machinery, and Hull Requirements 1059
SUBPART 32.53: Inert Gas System 1072
PART 34 - Fire Fighting Equipment 1091
PART 35 - Operations 1113
SUBPART 35.07: Logbook Entries 1121
SUBPART 35.10: Fire and Emergency Requirements 1122
SUBPART 35.20: Navigation 1123
SUBPART 35.30: General Safety Rules 1126
SUBPART 35.35: Cargo Handling 1129
PART 36 - Elevated Temperature Cargoes 1137
PART 37 - Carriage of Liquid Bulk Dangerous Cargoes 1139
PART 38 - Liquefied Flammable Gases 1155
PART 39 - Vapor Control Systems 1173
PART 42 - Domestic and Foreign Voyages by Sea 1189
PART 54 - SUBPART 54.15: SECTION 54.15-25: Minimum Relief Capacities for Cargo Tanks Containing Compressed or Liquefied Gas 1251
PART 56 - SUBPART 56.04: Piping Classification 1255
PART 56 - SUBPART 56.50: Design Requirements Pertaining to Specific Systems 1257
PART 58 - Main and Auxiliary Machinery and Related Systems 1283
PART 64 - Marine Portable Tanks and Cargo Handling Systems 1313
PART 90 - General Provisions 1321
PART 91 - Inspection and Certification 1329
PART 92 - Construction and Arrangement 1349
PART 93 - Stability 1361
PART 95 - Fire Protection Equipment 1363
PART 96 - Vessel Control and Miscellaneous Systems and Equipment 1385
PART 97 - Operations 1391
PART 98 - Special Construction, Arrangement, and Other Provisions for Certain Dangerous Cargoes in Bulk 1407
PART 111 - SUBPART 111.105: SECTION 111.105-29: Combustible Liquid Cargo Carriers 1425
PART 111 - SUBPART 111.105: SECTION 111.105-31: Flammable or Combustible Cargo with a Flashpoint Below 60?C (140?F), Carriers of Liquid-Sulphur or Inorganic Acid 1427
PART 111 - SUBPART 111.105: SECTION 111.105-32: Bulk Liquefied Flammable Gas and Ammonia Carriers 1429
PART 150 - Compatibility of Cargoes 1431
PART 153 - Ships Carrying Bulk Liquid, Liquefied Gas, or Compressed Gas Hazardous Materials 1487
SUBPART A: General 1490
SUBPART B: Design and Equipment 1499
SUBPART C: Operations 1519
SUBPART D: Test and Calculation Proce-dures for Determining Stripping Quan-tity, Clingage NLS Residue, and Total NLS Residue 1539
PART 154 - Safety Standards for Self-Propelled Vessels Carrying Bulk Liquefied Gases 1563
PART 162 - SUBPART 162.017: General Provisions; Valves, Pressure-Vacuum Relief, for Tank Vessels 1625
PART 162 - SUBPART 162.018: Safety Relief Valves, Liquefied Compressed Gas 1629
PART 162 - SUBPART 162.050: Pollution Prevention Equipment 1633
PART 170 - Stability Requirements for All Inspected Vessels 1653
PART 172 - SUBPART F: Special Rules Pertaining to a Ship that Carries a Hazardous Liquid Regulated Under Subchapter O of this Chapter 1673
PART 172 - SUBPART G: Special Rules Pertaining to a Ship that Carries a Bulk Liquefied Gas Regulated Under Subchapter O of this Chapter 1675
PART 197 - SUBPART C: Benzene 1679
PART 199 - SUBPART B: Requirements for All Vessels 1707
PART 199 - SUBPART D: Additional Requirements for Cargo Vessels 1729
PART 80 - Stations in the Maritime Services 1735
SUBPART A: General Information 1740
SUBPART B: Applications and Licenses 1751
SUBPART C: Operating Requirements and Procedures 1761
SUBPART D: Operator Requirements 1776
SUBPART E: General Technical Standards 1780
SUBPART F: Equipment Authorization for Compulsory Ships 1796
SUBPART G: Safety Watch Requirements and Procedures 1799
SUBPART H: Frequencies 1808
SUBPART I: Station Documents 1838
SUBPART J: Public Coast Stations 1844
SUBPART K: Private Coast Stations and Marine Utility Stations 1847
SUBPART L: Operational Fixed Stations 1850
SUBPART M: Stations in the Radiodetermination Service 1851
SUBPART N: Maritime Support Stations 1851
SUBPART O: Alaska Fixed Stations 1852
SUBPART P: Standards for Computing Public Coast Station VHF Coverage 1853
SUBPART R: Technical Equipment Requirements for Cargo Vessels Not Subject to Subpart W 1862
SUBPART S: Compulsory Radiotelephone Installations for Small Passenger Boats 1868
SUBPART T: Radiotelephone Installation Required for Vessels on the Great Lakes 1875
SUBPART U: Radiotelephone Installations Required by the Bridge-to-Bridge Act 1878
SUBPART V: Emergency Position Indicating Radiobeacons (EPIRBs) 1880
SUBPART W: Global Maritime Distress and Safety System (GMDSS) 1882
SUBPART X: Voluntary Radio Installations 1902
PART 130 - Oil Spill Prevention and Response Plans 1909
PART 171 - SUBPART B: Incident Reporting, Notification, BOE Approvals and Authorization 1919
PART 172 - SUBPART D: SECTION 172.322: Marine Pollutants 1923
PART 172 - SUBPART D: SECTION 172.328: Cargo Tanks 1925
PART 176 - SUBPART H: Detailed Requirements for Class 2 (Compressed Gas) Materials 1927
PART 176 - SUBPART I: Detailed Requirements for Class 3 (Flammable) and Combustible Liquid Materials 1929
PART 193 - Liquefied Natural Gas Facilities: Federal Safety Standards 1933
Additional Details
Number of Pages: 2058
ISBN: 1917308151
Published Date: December 2024
Book Height: 246 mm
Book Width: 165 mm
Weight: 3.8 kg
Author: Witherbys