Recently Added Publication - Procedures for Port State Control 2019, 2020 Edition

The newest edition of Procedures for Port State Control 2019, 2020 Edition along with the accompanying book is now available for purchase.

What's it for?

The Port State Control is the inspection of foreign ships in national ports to verify that the condition of the ship and its equipment comply with the requirements of international regulations.

Why is it needed?

A ship going to a port in one country will normally visit other countries in the region and it can be more efficient if inspections can be closely coordinated in order to focus on substandard ships and to avoid multiple inspections.

Who does the Procedures for Port State Control 2019, 2020 Edition apply to?

This publication provides guidance to Port State Control Officers (PSCOs) on the conduct of inspections of foreign ships, in order to promote consistency in the way inspections are carried out worldwide, and to harmonize the criteria for deciding on deficiencies found on board relating to the ship, its equipment or its crew, as well as the application of procedures.

Who needs to have the Procedures for Port State Control 2019, 2020 Edition?

Port State Control Officers should review this publication for guidance on the conduct of PSC inspections on the control of emissions from ships, and afford consistency in the conduct of these inspections, the recognition of deficiencies and the application of control procedures. It also contains amendments to both the Guidelines for Port State control officers on the ISM Code (appendix 8) and the Guidelines for Port State control officers on certification of seafarers, manning and hours of rest (appendix 11).

The accompanying book, Instruments Relevant to Port State Control 2019, 2020 Edition, provides the full texts of all the instruments featured in the aforementioned publication’s list of instruments relevant to Port State control procedures.

Where can you find it?

Contact us here at American Nautical Services to receive your copy of the Procedures for Port State Control 2019, 2020 Edition or you can order it online with us for FREE 2-day shipping.