This book is a guide to the responsibilities of the Safety Officer and how to develop a good safety culture on board. It discusses how to approach the tasks that you will be presented with, what they might mean and the implications or actions that may result from them.
The main role of a Safety Officer is to act as a focal point for all occupational health and safety matters arising onboard ship. It should be noted that the role, while important, is advisory and does not actually carry the company's responsibility for health and safety.
This book provides a clear and 'no-nonsense' guide to the responsibilities and will focus on what you need to know to perform this position in a professional manner. It discusses how to approach the tasks that you will be presented with, what they might mean and some of the implications or actions that may result from them.
1. The Role of the Safety Officer
1.1 Who is the Safety Officer?
1.1.1 Legal/Formal Definitions (Countries adhering
to the British Code of Safe Working Practices)
1.1.2 Who should be the Safety Officer?
1.2 Principal Duties of the Safety Officer
1.3 Characteristics of a Good Safety Officer
2. Background to the Creation of the Role
2.1 International Safety Management (ISM)
Code and Safety Culture
2.1.1 Establishing a Safety Management System (SMS)
2.1.2 The Safety Management System
2.2 ILO
2.3 International Organization for Standardization (ISO),
Safety Management and Safety Culture
2.4 Health, Safety and Environmental Policy
2.5 The Employer
2.5.1 Duties of the Employer
2.5.2 Tools, Safety Equipment and Machinery
2.5.3 Workplace
2.5.4 Competency
2.5.5 Operating Procedures System
2.5.6 Employer’s Liability
2.6 Competent Person
2.6.1 Duties
2.6.2 Employee Health Surveillance
3. The Safety Organisation Onboard Ship
3.1 Shipboard Safety Organisation
3.1.1 Master’s Responsibility
3.1.2 Safety Representatives
3.1.3 Safety Committee
4. Safety Culture
4.1 Communication
4.1.1 Communication Types
4.1.2 Communication Issues
4.1.3 Effective Communication
Shipboard Safety Officer Notes
4.2 Motivation
4.3 Role of Communication and Motivation in
Shipboard Safety
4.4 Creating a Safety Culture
4.4.1 Relationship between the Master and
the Safety Officer
4.4.2 Interpreting Accident and Near Miss Data
5. Risk Assessment
5.1 Legal Requirements for Risk Assessment
5.2 Task Selection
5.3 Hazard Identification (HazID)
5.3.1 Hazard Monitoring
5.4 Evaluating Hazards and Assessing Risks
5.5 Controlling the Risks and Action Plan
5.6 Permit to Work (PTW) System
5.7 Checklists
5.8 Documentation for Risk Assessment
5.8.1 General Information
5.8.2 Hazard Specific Information
5.9 Risk Assessment – The Simplified Steps
6. Incident Investigation and Prevention
6.1 Incident Investigation
6.2 Investigation Process
6.2.1 First Response to an Incident
6.2.2 Investigation Tools
6.3 Investigation Steps
6.3.1 Information Gathering to Establish the Facts
6.3.2 Interviewing Tips
6.3.3 Information Analysis and Conclusion
6.4 Interpreting the Facts
6.5 Report Writing
6.5.1 The Contents of a Report
6.5.2 Preparation and Planning
6.6 Initiating Corrective Actions
6.7 Authorities to whom Reports are Sent
6.7.1 The Marine Accident Investigation
Branch - MAIB
6.7.2 Voluntary Reporting Schemes
Appendix 1 – Codes and Legislation
Appendix 2 – MAIB Incident Report Form and MGN 289
Glossary of Main Terms
Acronyms and Abbreviations
Title: Shipboard Safety Officer Notes
Number of Pages: 131
Product Code: 4305
ISBN: ISBN 13: 978-1-85609-402-3 (9781856094023), ISBN 10: 1-85609-402-2 (1856094022)
Published Date: September 2010
Binding Format: Paperback
Book Height: 230 mm
Book Width: 150 mm
Book Spine: 10 mm
Weight: 0.30 kg
Author: Abdul Khalique