This new publications from SIGTTO uses a risk assessment method and terminology, to explain the environment and define some example scenarios and response strategies.
All of the responses contained are based on the following order of priority: protection of life, the environment and property. Protection of life has been considered not only in the context of the ship and terminal staff involved in a cargo operation, but also to the emergency responders and the general public in the vicinity.
Evaluating a top event without understanding the design barriers built in to reduce risk may lead to an improbable conclusion.
SIGTTO is of the opinion that knowledge of the design basis for facilities and gas carriers, including typical credible (design) scenarios, may assist in the improvement of existing practice. This new publication therefore sets out to increase awareness of the philosophy behind the design, including the purpose and limitation, of equipment used. Appreciation of the credible scenarios should also assist the industry in carrying out more effective drills and exercises.
PART 1 Scope and Methodology
1 Introduction
1.1 Introduction
1.2 Scope
1.3 Risk Based Method and Terminology
1.4 Document Structure
PART 2 Assessing the Risk and the Management of Specific Events
2 The Operating Environment
3 Top Events
3.1 Loss of Containment
3.2 Collision/Grounding
3.3 Loss of Position
3.4 Evacuation, Rescue and Pollution Prevention
Annex A – Response Considerations and Planning
Annex B – Equipment and Capabilities of Support Craft
Annex C – Water-spray Systems
Annex D – Support Craft Emergency Response Competencies
Annex E – Fire and Gas Dispersion Modelling
Annex F – Properties of Liquefied Gases
Annex G – Glossary of Terms and Abbreviations
Annex H – References
Title: Support Craft at Liquefied Gas Facilities. Principles of Emergency Response and Protection - Offshore
Number of Volumes: 1
ISBN: ISBN 13: 978-1-85609-715-4 (9781856097154), ISBN 10: 1-85609-715-3 (1856097153)
Published Date: October 2016
Author: SIGTTO