Colección: The Society of Naval Architects and Marine Engineers

Explore the vast knowledge and expertise of The Society of Naval Architects and Marine Engineers with our collection of essential resources. Dive into the world of marine engineering with titles covering fiberglass boat design, marine casualty response, intact stability, propulsion, ship strength, geometry, vibration, and more. Whether you are a seasoned professional or a student eager to learn, these books offer invaluable insights and practical guidance for designing, constructing, and maintaining ships and ocean structures. Elevate your understanding of naval architecture and propel your career forward with these authoritative resources. Invest in your maritime knowledge today and chart a course towards success in the marine industry.

20 productos
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Fiberglass Boat Design and Construction
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Introduction to Practical Marine Engineering, 2 Volume Set
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Principles of Naval Architecture Series: Intact Stability
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Principles of Naval Architecture Series: Propulsion
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Principles of Naval Architecture Series: Six Chapter Set
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Principles of Naval Architecture Series: Strength of Ships and Ocean Structures
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Principles of Naval Architecture Series: The Geometry of Ships
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Principles of Naval Architecture Series: Vibration
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Principles of Naval Architecture: Ship Resistance & Flow
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Ship Design and Construction, 2 Volume Set
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Ship Production
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Ship Structural Analysis and Design
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Speed on the Ship: A Centennial History of the Society of Naval Architects and Marine Engineers 1893-1993
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Stability and Safety of Ships: Risk of Capsizing
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The Marine Engineering Series: Design of Marine Engineering Systems in Ship Concept Design
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The Marine Engineering Series: Integrated Electric Propulsion
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The Marine Engineering Series: Marine Boilers, 3rd Edition
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The Marine Engineering Series: Sound and Noise Control
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The Marine Engineering Series: Thermodynamics, Combustion and Heat Engineering
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Titanic Ships, Titanic Disasters; an Analysis of Early White Star and Cunard Superliners
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