Russia Country Flag

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Vessels sailing under the Russia Country Flag are required to have on board this flag as part of flag state requirements that derive from maritime regulations in the International Code of Signals and the International Safety Management (ISM) Code. These codes are published by the International Maritime Organization (IMO) as an ongoing effort to reinforce maritime safety procedures and communications to the international maritime community. Fleet management companies and ship owners are responsible to ensure that each vessel in their respective fleets have the appropriate flag signage onboard to be in compliance. This flag is used to identify the flag state a vessel is sailing under and to communicate with other vessels under the provisions of the International Code of Signals.

The Russia Country Flag is represented as three equally proportioned horizontal bars. They are colored white, blue and red from top to bottom. The Flag is designated to be proportioned at a ratio of 2:3, height to length, respectively. The Russia Country flag was formally adopted as the Russian national symbol in 1991 following the collapse of the Soviet Union. The origin of the Russian Flag can be traced back to Peter the Great, who developed the color scheme and general appearance of the flag in the year 1699. It was adopted as the Russian Civil Flag in 1883 after being used solely as a naval flag for nearly two centuries. The Flag was abandoned in 1917 after the Russian Revolution and the subsequent rise of the Union of Soviet Socialist Republics. The official National Color of Russia is Red, and that color will likely dominate any future changes that may be made to the ancient Russia Country Flag that is currently recognized. Changes have been proposed in deference to the rapidly changing political structure occurring in Russia.

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