31st Session 2019 (Res. 1031-1147)

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31st Session 2019 (Res. 1031-1147)

The 31st Session of the IMO Assembly took place at the Headquarters of the Organization from 27 November to 4 December 2019.

This publication contains resolutions arising from this meeting.



Agenda for the thirtieth-first regular session of the Assembly


A.1131(31) List of outputs for the 2020–2021 biennium

A.1132(31) Results-based budget for the 2020–2021 biennium

A.1133(31) Presentation of accounts and audit report

A.1134(31) Arrears of contributions

A.1135(31) Appointment of the External Auditor

A.1136(31) Ethical considerations and guidelines for conduct of IMO Council election campaigns

A.1137(31) Interim safety measures for ships not certified under the SOLAS Convention operating in polar waters

A.1138(31) Procedures for port State control, 2019

A.1139(31) Guidance on communication of information by Member States

A.1140(31) Survey Guidelines under the Harmonized System of Survey and Certification (HSSC), 2019

A.1141(31) 2019 Non-exhaustive list of obligations under instruments relevant to the IMO Instruments Implementation Code (III Code)

A.1142(31) Measures to prevent the fraudulent registration and fraudulent registries of ships

A.1143(31) Relations with non-governmental organizations

A.1144(31) Rules and guidelines for consultative status of non-governmental international organizations with the International Maritime Organization

A.1145(31) Renewal of the appointment of the Secretary-General

A.1146(31) Appreciation of the services to the Organization of Mr. Jeffrey G. Lantz

A.1147(31) Preserving the legacy of the World Maritime theme for 2019 and achieving a barrier-free working environment for women in the maritime sector

Other decisions of the thirty-first regular session of the Assembly and resolutions adopted

Adoption of the agenda

Agenda item 1

Election of the President and the Vice-Presidents of the Assembly

Agenda item 2

Consideration of proposed amendments to the Rules of Procedure of the Assembly

Agenda item 3

Application of Article 61 of the IMO Convention – Report of the Council to the Assembly

on any requests by Members for waiver

Agenda item 4

Establishment of the Credentials Committee

Agenda item 5a

Establishment of other committees

Agenda item 5b

Report of the Credentials Committee

Agenda item 6a

Reports of other committees

Agenda item 6b

Report of the Council to the Assembly on the work of the Organization since

the thirtieth regular session of the Assembly

Agenda item 7

Strategy, planning and reform

Agenda item 8

IMO Member State Audit Scheme

Agenda item 9

Consideration of the reports and recommendations of the Maritime Safety Committee

Agenda item 10

Consideration of the reports and recommendations of the Legal Committee

Agenda item 11

Consideration of the reports and recommendations of the

Marine Environment Protection Committee

Agenda item 12

Consideration of the reports and recommendations of the Technical Cooperation Committee

Agenda item 13

Consideration of the reports and recommendations of the Facilitation Committee

Agenda item 14

Convention on the Prevention of Marine Pollution by Dumping of Wastes and Other Matter, 1972

and the 1996 Protocol thereto: Report on the performance of Secretariat functions and other duties

Agenda item 15

Report to the Assembly on the periodic review of administrative requirements in mandatory IMO instruments

Agenda item 16

Report on arrears of contributions and advances to the Working Capital Fund

Agenda item 17a

Presentation of accounts and audit reports

Agenda item 17b

Results-based budget for the 2020–2021 biennium

Agenda item 17c

Report on the World Maritime University

Agenda item 18a

Report on the IMO International Maritime Law Institute

Agenda item 18b

Relations with the United Nations and the specialized agencies

Agenda item 19a

Relations with intergovernmental organizations

Agenda item 19b

Relations with non-governmental organizations

Agenda item 19c

Report on World Maritime Days, 2018 and 2019

Agenda item 19d

International Maritime Prize

Agenda item 19e

IMO Award for Exceptional Bravery at Sea

Agenda item 19f

Day of the Seafarer

Agenda item 19g

IMO Goodwill Maritime Ambassador Scheme

Agenda item 19h

Report on the status of the Convention and membership of the Organization

Agenda item 20

Report on the status of conventions and other multilateral instruments in respect of which the Organization performs functions

Agenda item 21

Election of Members of the Council, as provided for in Articles 16 and 17 of the IMO Convention

Agenda item 22

Election of Members of the IMO Staff Pension Committee

Agenda item 23

Appointment of the External Auditor

Agenda item 24

Approval of the appointment of the Secretary-General

Agenda item 25

Date and place of the thirty-second regular session of the Assembly

Agenda item 26

Supplementary agenda items

Agenda item 27

Status of the Convention on the International Maritime Organization


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