The Mariner's Blog

  • 16 mar 2012
  • Tim Gossett
What e-Navigator Means for You

A number of UKHO distributors met with UKHO representatives in Baltimore this week to prepare for the launch of Admiralty’s e-Navigator. The system...

  • 9 mar 2012
  • Tim Gossett
North American ECA Will Change Shipping Forever

This August, the US and Canada will begin enforcing recent amendments to international regulations for air pollution from ships. Under the new stan...

  • 2 mar 2012
  • Tim Gossett
Class 4 isn't only for solids

When generalizing the 9 hazmat classes, Class 4 is typically described as “Flammable Solids,” which is actually a misnomer. Each of the three Class...

  • 24 feb 2012
  • Tim Gossett
What are official ENCs?

ECDIS mandation is coming. On a rolling timetable starting in July this year, certain vessels will be required to use ECDIS as the primary means of...

  • 17 feb 2012
  • Tim Gossett
Tricky Segregation Your Software May Not Catch

Your staff are trained, you've installed some expensive hazmat software, and operations are rolling along. Out of the blue, a load that your so...

  • 2 feb 2012
  • Tim Gossett
NGA Regions 3 & 4 now unavailable

Customers looking to purchase NGA charts in regions 3 (UK, Iceland, Greenland, Western Europe in blue) and 4 (Scandinavia, Northern Russia in ...

  • 28 oct 2011
  • Tim Gossett
All About Chart Scale

The scale of a nautical chart is a way to convert inches on paper to inches in the real world. It's key in determining the distance between two p...

  • 21 oct 2011
  • Tim Gossett
4 Reasons Why You Need an ACEP

If you own a fleet of containers, you should have an Approved Continuous Examination Program (ACEP). Compared to a periodic examination program, an...

  • 6 jul 2011
  • Tim Gossett
We're on the GSA

A portion of our products are part of our multiple award schedule with the GSA. US Federal buyers can take advantage of pre-negotiated prices and...